Okinawa adventure – 10 – Introduction diving in group


Hello everyone, this is Loic from Berry Naha.

Today was a beautiful sunny day, with just a bit of cloud so we could enjoy Kerama’s sea.

On the Lucky boat we had a lot of group guest and did a lot of group introduction diving, witch had a bit of spice to the introduction diving.

The first point was Nagannu North, very beautiful fishes and corals. We had a bit of trouble with equalizing for one of the guest. After a few minutes of relaxation we could finish the dive with a smile.


The second point was Gishippu the secret spot for turtles, and it didn’t missed. My guest was another group of friends and we directly had a beautiful Hawksbill sea turtle.


Lastly we had Nozaki, beautiful corals a superb view. Thanks to the last guest, I have now a bigger repertoire of pose


There was a lot of guests doing introduction diving today and I learned a lot.

Thank you for reading this until the end, hope to see you soon in Berry Naha.

Loic from Berry – ロイキ –  @loic.diving
